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Idiomatic Expressions
Joi, 08 Aprilie 2010 00:00



Prof. Burghiu Iuliana-Florina

Şcoala Nr. 3 Iveşti, Galaţi

This article is a short attempt to make students achieve a number of English idioms related to certain situations, such as habits, traditions, and social occasions, names of animals. Taking into consideration the fact that cultures converge to some extent, translations is possible in such a way that the Romanian form and content draws near the source language.


Idioms are words or phrases which mean something different from what they say and they are usually metaphors. Their meanings are not literal, but are figurative and they are only known through their common uses. Because idioms can mean something different from what the words mean, it is difficult for someone not very good at speaking the language to use them properly. Some idioms are only used by some groups of people or at certain times. They are considered figures of speech that cannot be understood from the usual meanings of their constituent words. They communicate well for people of a particular culture and can often be changed slightly without confusing the meaning.

Because English culture differs from Romanian culture, it is sometimes difficult for the translator to find the appropriate equivalent. So the translator’s task is to search for that term which would finally render the most suitable meaning of the source language. Translation, when practiced by relatively bilingual individuals but especially when by persons with limited proficiency in one or both languages, involves a risk of spilling-over of idioms and usages from the source language into the target language.

Taking into consideration the great variety of English idioms, I focused on those frequently used expressions when dealing with English traditions, as well as with names of animals.


1. Idioms with English habits, traditions or social occasions.

be done like a (dog's) dinner = a fi făcut praf

Whatever possessed her to play tennis against Sue? She was done like a dinner.

a dog's breakfast/dinner = a face ceva de proastă calitate

She tried to cut her hair and made a real dog's breakfast of it.

done up/dressed up like a dog's dinner = împopoţonat

There she was, all dressed up like a dog's dinner, in a ridiculous frilly shirt and a skirt that was far too short.

sing for your supper = a presta un serviciu în schimbul a ceva/hranei.

Dan's upstairs fixing my computer - I'm making him sing for his supper.

a stag night/party / a bucks party (Australian) = petrecerea burlacilor

I got a bit drunk at Pete's bucks party and disgraced myself.

a hen night/party (British & Australian)= petrecerea organizată în cinstea unei fete care urmează să se căsătorească.

Barbara's having her hen night a week before the wedding.

the party is over = s-a terminat cu joaca / distracţia

The party is over for the Raiders, who were eliminated from the playoffs today.

2. Idioms with names of animals

beat a dead horse = a se strădui zadarnic

Do you think it's worth sending my manuscript to other publishers or I am just beating a dead horse?

Hold your horses! (informal) = Nu te ambala!

Just hold your horses, Bill. Let's think about this for a moment.

horse around = a se prosti

Stop horsing around and pay attention to your father!

You can lead a horse to water (but you can't make him/it drink). = Dumnezeu iţi dă, dar nu îţi pune şi în traistă.

I made all the arrangements, bought the ticket, and even took him to the airport, but he just wouldn't get on the plane. Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

not have a dog's chance (informal) = a nu avea nici o şansă

He hasn't a dog's chance of getting that job. (usually + of + doing something)

throw someone to the dogs = a scoate ţap ispăşitor

I really felt as if I'd been thrown to the dogs just to save other people's reputations.

work like a dog/trojan = a munci ca un cal/ rob

He worked like a dog all day to finish the wallpapering.


You can't teach an old dog new tricks. = Nu înveţi un cal bătrân să tragă la caruţă.

You're never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, you know.


Ionescu, Cristina, Gramatica limbii engleze prin idiomuri, Ed Aramis, 2001



Ultima actualizare în Miercuri, 07 Aprilie 2010 22:05

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